
Travelling Band Screens

Today the scarcity of fresh water resources leads to an ever increasing number of projects which focus on obtaining drinking water as well as water for other uses through the treatment of seawater. Parallel to this development there is an increase in the use of traveling band screens which represent the most suitable alternatives for the water intake structures required in such high flow projects. Traveling band screens are typically installed in an intake screening system downstream from the trash rakes or coarse bar screens and upstream of the circulating water pumps. They protect the downstream components in the water intake system.

As Sismat Uluslararası, we have vast experience and expertise of many years in sea water treatment applications in terms of production techniques with duplex stainless steel, the use of plastic derivative (non-metallic) materials and cathodic protection practices.


  • Heavy duty, durable design
  • Individually engineered to minimize the capital cost of the intake
  • Framed design reducing civil work and installation costs
  • Low maintenance costs
  • High screening efficiency
  • Efficient debris removal
  • Protects downstream components
  • No debris carry over


  • Desalination plants
  • Water intakes for nuclear, thermal and power plants
  • Cooling water intakes
  • Refineries
  • Water treatment plants
  • Wastewater treatment plants
  • Iron and steel factories
  • Sugar factories
  • Other industries requiring screened process water
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